ULTRA Strong Raspberry Ketone Mango – 5000mg – 1 Month Supply – 60 Capsules

Join the 1000’s of happy customers losing weight with Britten Nutrition.

Get a clean energy boost, which aims to target fat rather than muscle, leaving a lighter, leaner physique. Our Raspberry Ketone Mango contains 6 cutting edge ingredients packed into one easy to swallow capsule.

• Raspberry Ketones
• African Mango Extract
• Acai Berry Extract
• Green Tea Extract
• Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
• Acetyl-L-Carnitine

Click the ‘Add To Basket’ button right now and get your Raspberry Ketone with next day delivery free, with discreet packaging. You can also download your free DIET PLAN from our website, ideally suited to your Raspberry Ketone!

Product Features

  • ULTRA POTENT 2500mg/capsule formula: Raspberry Ketones, African Mango Extract, Acai Berry Extract, Green Tea Extract, Vitamin B3 (Niacin) and Acetyl-L-Carnitine.
  • SAFE and NATURAL fat shredder that aims to suppress your appetite and obliterate your fat cells!
  • SCIENTIFICALLY ENGINEERED to stop any sign of hunger and halt the growth of fat cells, be prepared for rapid fat loss and dramatic results
  • FEEL AMAZING and CONFIDENT as stubborn fat areas such as your stomach, bottom and thighs begin to reduce more rapidly than ever before revealing a happier, slimmer you.
  • COMPATIBLE WITH MANY DIETS such as Weight Watchers, Paleo, 5-2, Dukan and any other health diet!

3 thoughts on “ULTRA Strong Raspberry Ketone Mango – 5000mg – 1 Month Supply – 60 Capsules”

  1. the packaging is very nice, the pills aren’t too big and so far … Raspberry ketone is a chemical from red raspberries (Rubus idaeus). It is most commonly used for weight loss and obesity. It is also used to increase lean body mass. Some people apply raspberry ketone to the scalp to improve hair growth.Raspberry ketone is also used in foods, cosmetics, and other manufacturing as a fragrance or flavoring agent.Raspberry ketone became popular for weight loss after it was mentioned on the Dr. Oz television show during the segment called…

  2. I think that’s great.. No miracle pill but its a start I started taking these 3 days ago. I really can tell a difference in my energy..Do they make me want to run a 50 mile marathon….NO ….But i can definitely see a difference..I haven’t been able to workout because i have been out of town. I have lost almost 2 lbs. I know not much to some but considering it has only been 3 days without working out and not so healthy food..I think that’s great..No miracle pill but its a start..I just hate that you have to take twice day..They are capsule so…

  3. Extremely strong compared to other ketone products sold Raspberry Ketones are really exceptional at helping you lose weight. We have been using them for years and this particular product is much much better than any others sold on the market including Amazon. This one is so much stronger and of course you only have to take 1 a day. Others to get to the amount this has in it you would have to take many a day. Some sold on the market would be the whole bottle to equal 1 of these capsules. This is amazing and on top of that this one has mango in it…

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