Garcinia Cambogia Suppressants Supplements Maximum Strengh: 85% HCA Complex: + No Fillers: No Binders: Veggi Caps: Pure + Natural(Natural Water Extracted, No Harsh Solvent): Clinical Strength Formula: + Natural Calcium Source from Plant, 750mg/ 60 capsules

Guidelines to decide the best Garcinia Cambogia Supplements

As a professional Organization, we have developed the guidelines for Consumer’s awareness and education to select best Garcinia Product out of overcrowded market of Garcinia.

Recommended Product Specs Checklist

– % HCA or % HCA Complex (Our product has more than 85 % HCA Complex with 72 % (-) HCA in stabilized Form)

– Source of Fruit (Our product is Naturally Extracted, Not Synthesized in lab)

– Method of Extraction (Our product is only extracted by Natural Water in contrast with other competitors who use harsh solvents like Alcohol or Acetone)

– Mg in Capsule (Our Product has 750mg/capsule in largest convenient size 00, which give you clinical strength which is between 1500-3000 mg)

– % of other Additives (Our Products as zero fillers, binders or artificial ingredients which comes with natural calcium from plant itself not externally/artificially added)

– Type of Capsules (Our Capsules are Halal, Kosher and Vegetarian – plant sourced rather than gelatin – animal sourced)

– Where it’s Manufacture? (Our Products are manufactured in USA in FDA Inspected cGMP facility (used for mfg of Prescription) – NOT GMP)

– Money Back Guarantee (We offer unconditional Money Back Guarantee)

Summit Nutrition’s Extra Strength Garcinia Cambogia is end of your discovery of best Formulated Garcinia Cambogia

Product Features

  •  WHY SUMMIT NUTRITIONS GARCINIA CAMBOGIA? – Our Garcinia Cambogia is 100% Natural, it is extracted only from the natural source (Not synthesized in lab) by using natural water(Scientifically Developed Patented Extraction Method), a traditional Ayurveda method by eliminating the use of harsh solvent like alcohol, acetone etc.
  •  85% HCA MAXIMUM STRENGHT FORMULA – Summit Nutritions Garcinia Cambogia has more than 85% HCA complex which includes real and legitimate (Third party Tested in US according to standardization of USP/NF) approximate 72% (-) HCA and its in stabilized form with complex of natural lactones of HCA, Citric Acid and Mineral of Natural calcium
  •  NATURAL SOURCE OF CALCIUM – It also serve as source of natural calcium since the calcium is from the plant itself in is natural form. No artificial Calcium is added.
  •  MAXIMUM CLINICAL STRENGTH FORMULA – We developed and formulated the product in the maximum clinical strength formula,1500 mg / Serving (Recommended clinical dosage is 1500- 3000mg/ Day), in Kosher, Halal and Vegetarian Capsules without adding any Fillers, Binder or Artificial ingredients. Our products are also Gluten and GMO Free.
  •  DOEST IT WORK? – Yes, Summit Nutritions Garcinia Cambogia is 100% Pure and Natural formula which comes in Clinical Strength, which control your appetite, blocks fat, increase serotonin level (Good for people who eat more in stress) and increase the energy level. The ultimate weight loss goal is achieved by only proper use of Diet and Exercise and the goal is boosted by Garcinia Cambogia fat blocking effect as studied in many credible clinical studies. We also provide the assurance of 100% Satisfaction or Money back Guarantee to assure return on your investment. We would like to be part of your weight loss goal.

2 thoughts on “Garcinia Cambogia Suppressants Supplements Maximum Strengh: 85% HCA Complex: + No Fillers: No Binders: Veggi Caps: Pure + Natural(Natural Water Extracted, No Harsh Solvent): Clinical Strength Formula: + Natural Calcium Source from Plant, 750mg/ 60 capsules”

  1. Here is another great Summit Nutrition product to tell you about, & another great brand of Garcina Cambogia to add to my recommended list. Yes GC is touted as a weight loss supplement, but you know how I feel about jumping on the weight loss in a bottle band wagon. I feel you must first start with proper diet, exercise & plenty of water, because with proper health comes proper weight. And if you are doing things right adding a supplement like GC can give you benefits from possible weight loss…

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