Therapy Coffee for Detox and Cleanse Purposes. This Gold Roast Coffee is the first and only Coffee that has been specifically blended and processed with higher levels of Caffeine, and the very important Palmitic Acid in mind. With up to 48% higher caffeine and up to 87% Palmitic Acid this makes this coffee, without a doubt, the ONLY COFFEE that has been lab tested to validate the numbers. That’s higher than any other coffee on the market bar none!! Cor-Vital Enema Coffee is 100% non-carcinogenic! That is why we believe our enema coffee is the cleanest and safest choice.
Product Features
- 100% USDA Certified Organic – No Mold or Fungus
- LAB TESTED Our Coffee Has THE HIGHEST Levels of Caffeine Upto 48% – and 87% Palmitic Acid Needed For Optimal Detox
- LONG LASTING PREMIUM BLEND – Finely ground so you only have to use 2 to 3 Tablespoons and NOT 4 like other coffees
- COFFEE BEANS Has Been Hand picked by Independent Farmers for the Purpose of Liver DETOX – Fine Ground
- YOU NEED THIS Coffee Because It’s the Best of The BEST..
Five Stars 0
Love that this is Certified Organic!! I purchased the kit which came with this coffee. First off, I’m new to coffee enemas but highly impressed!! I feel great after 2 days of use and I love that this coffee is certified organic and easy to clean afterwards because the granules aren’t so fine that it makes a mess. The fragrance is pleasant, the instructions are clear and overall this kit is going to be the change I needed. I’ll be buying the 5 lb. bags to be sure I don’t run out. If you’re looking for coffee for your enemas,…