Berry Green Superfood with Goji, Acai & Raspberry, Raw Organic Nutrition- Vegan & Gluten Free – 240 Grams

Parker Naturals Amazing Berry Green Superfood is Organic & Raw and the Secret to Amazing Health!

Essential Fatty Acids (EFA): EFAs protect our bodies from degenerative conditions, help us maintain energy and protect our tissues and organs. They are referred to as omega fatty acids, and can be found in superfoods like sea greens, flaxseed, and dark greens, which are all included in Parker Naturals Berry Green Superfood. Omega fatty acids are important for everything from smooth skin to fighting depression and heart health, including reducing cholesterol.

Antioxidants: Research has shown that antioxidants fight premature aging caused by free radicals, which are toxins that cause degenerative conditions and inhibit our immune systems. Free radicals often pave the way for serious ailments like heart attacks, cancer, chronic fatigue and conditions that take advantage of a weakened immune system. Parker Naturals Berry Green Superfood contains foods with high antioxidant content like organic acai, raspberry, goji berries, green tea, and accrola cherry, which are high in free-radical fighting compounds and nutrients.

Essential Greens: Thousands of good-for-you compounds are in dark, leafy green vegetables. They contain EFAs and antioxidants and are loaded with enzymes that help us digest and breakdown waste and flush our entire body of toxins. Our Berry Green Superfood leverages organic vegetables like wheat grass, barley grass, spriluna, chlorella, spinach and broccoli to cleanse and alkalinize the body. Really, it doesn’t get much easier to detoxify the body and promote heart health, colon health and so much more! Also contains a pre and probiotic blend!

Click “Add to Cart” Now for the 100% Best Green Superfood Powder sold on Amazon at an Affordable Price! 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!

Product Features

  • Organic Wheat Grass, Organic Barley Grass, Organic Alfalfa, Organic Spirulina, Organic Spinach, Organic Chlorella (cracked cell-wall) & Organic Broccoli*
  • Supports a healthy digestive tract, improves nutrient absorption and healthy elimination
  • Supports body alkalanity and a vigorous, healthy immune system
  • Packed with trace nutrients which may be lacking in modern diets
  • Raw energy, gluten free and vegan

3 thoughts on “Berry Green Superfood with Goji, Acai & Raspberry, Raw Organic Nutrition- Vegan & Gluten Free – 240 Grams”

  1. Well Worth The Money! I purchased this green superfood because I have a very hard time incorporating vegetables into my diet, and when I do, the nutrients are usually just about cooked out of them. I’m not a big raw veggie eater. My cholesterol and blood pressure is high and I have a host of other medical problems including digestive issues.I’ve seen improvements in all three of the above problems since starting the green superfood. I mix mine with plain yogurt for a snack every day and it honesty wasn’t as…

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