At Yogi we believe the purpose of business is to serve. Yogi was founded on that belief and still uses the idea of business serving as its guiding principle: “Feel Good, Be Good, Do Good.” At Yogi we are committed to providing healthy, natural teas that are accessible to as many people as possible. With more than 40 years of experience, we strive to support the health and well-being of our consumers by incorporating the highest-quality natural and organic ingredients in our teas. Since our founding in 1969, the holistic teachings of Ayurveda and healthy living have been the inspiration behind Yogi. These teachings continue to inform how we develop our products, and we honor and reflect them through the Yogi Principles.
Product Features
- All natural with no preservatives or artificial ingredients
- A gentle and organic blend purposefully formulated to support the female system
- Since ancient times, raspberry leaf has been used by midwives and herbalists during pregnancy
- Known to help ease the discomfort of menstruation, and to strengthen and tone the uterus
- Enjoy the pleasant, earthy-sweet flavor of this tea for comfort at all stages of life
- USDA certified organic herbal supplement made with non-GMO ingredients
Worth a try I drank this several times a day leading up to the delivery of my first baby. Not sure if it’s the tea, luck, genetics or a combination of the three, but I had an all-natural delivery with only 30 minutes of pushing and no tearing! It was a text-book perfect birth. I’ll drink lots of the tea for the next baby. Why not?UPDATE: Drank this stuff again during my 2nd pregnancy. Baby was out in 3 pushes. The midwives said I make delivery look easy. Again, not sure if the tea gets the…
This could very well be the reason… It’s my first review on Amazon, and I made sure to remember to write it, despite having my hands full with the newborn, since I believe this tea was the reason why I had the labor and delivery I had. 33 year old first time mom, I must have read 15 books in preparation and packed all sorts of massaging and relaxation tools in my hospital bag, hoping for the natural unmedicated birth. My somewhat painful contractions started around 9:30pm. I was prepared for the long night ahead at home. Well, by…
Humm… I changed my mind “Well this is not the tastiest tea, nor is it the most effective. I would say that diet and eating proper foods works much better than drinking tea made of raspberry leaves, although I am still using it, I hope it is helping.” Is what I said after I first bought it. Amazon won’t let me change my rating but I was wrong…I began to drink this tea often, Most days of the month. The weeks before my cycle, about when I start to ovulate. I start to drink at least 6 bags a day and I have…